What games do you play during your holidays? Families from Tzu Chi Parent-Child Bonding Class enjoyed a delightful day at the Humanistic Youth Centre, engaging in interactive station games that not only brought joy but also strengthened the bond between parents and children.
Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation

The concluding session of this year's Tzu Chi Teenagers' Class was a unique experience. Students embarked on an outdoor adventure at the botanical garden to foster a deep connection with nature and self-discovery.
Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation

While everyone was busy shopping and emptying their virtual shopping cart on the “11.11” major sales weekend, dedicated volunteers and preschool teachers from Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool (Yishun) found themselves equally preoccupied too.
Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation

The contact between healthcare professionals and their patients tends to be closer when medical services are delivered at the patient's home. Dr Ho Xin Qin revealed, "When you step into the patient's home, the patient becomes a person with a family.“
Medicine, People | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Not only does Tin Tin take care of Madam Koh's domestic work 24/7, but she also plays a vital role of a “saviour” in extraordinary times.
Medicine, People | Tzu-Chi Foundation

With a declining birth rate and a rapidly ageing society, elderly people are having a tough time looking after each other. The community’s varying degrees of medical care and everyday living care services are critical to the elderly Toh couple’s retirement life at home.
Medicine, People | Tzu-Chi Foundation

On the streets and alleys of Singapore, Tzu Chi volunteers hold donation boxes in their hands to appeal for kindness from the public. As the weight of the boxes increases, it reflects the boundless love of people in Singapore.
Miscellaneous | Tzu-Chi Foundation

The tea offering session, completed successfully with the collaboration between the preschool management team and the children, has left unforgettable memories for teachers and volunteers on Teachers' Day.
Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Reaching our golden years would often signal an opportunity to sit back and enjoy a long-awaited break after slogging hard for the better part of our lives. However, for one senior, she is bucking the trend through her zeal to learn and help fellow seniors.
People | Tzu-Chi Foundation

A permanent sustainable living gallery at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre is set to officially open this month on 30 July 2023. The gallery is a culmination of the efforts of many parties, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and companies from the private sector.
Humanistic Culture, Env. Protection, Miscellaneous | Tzu-Chi Foundation

300 people gathered at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre for a sharing by Ms Cheah, Head of the Humanistic Culture Department at Taiwan’s Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology, where she shared her teaching experiences and interpretation of a “happy life”.
Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Every visit is a valuable opportunity despite the time constraint and limited contact for volunteers to provide the most in-depth and targeted support possible.
Charity, People | Tzu-Chi Foundation

During the Parent-Child Bonding Class that was held in May, children went to the class with "big bellies" to experience the hardships that a pregnant mother has to go through for ten months. They also offered a cup of tea to their parents to express their love and gratitude.
Education | Tzu-Chi Foundation